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Board of Education Public Participation

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Ways to Participate

Public Hearings

威尼斯人在线官网就其认为具有广泛利益和关注的问题安排公开听证会. 举行聆讯时,不需要达到董事会的法定人数. In addition to special public hearings, the Board holds hearings on its strategic plan, annual operating budget, proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and school boundaries. 拟议资本预算和CIP和/或边界的听证会由董事会政策FAA管辖。 Educational Facilities Planning.       

 General guidelines for public hearings are as follows:   

 1. The subject, date, 报名参加公开听证会的机会通常通过委员会惯常的通信渠道进行宣传, 包括在董事会网站上公布,并通过新闻媒体发布.   

 2. The following time limits for testimony apply to public hearings, unless otherwise specified by the Board in the hearing notice:    

  •    组织*/市政/民选官员:5分钟(*组织包括:蒙哥马利县地区学生政府协会/蒙哥马利县青少年理事会, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Parents Council, MCCPTA, clusters, and employee associations, 还有社区组织——为某一特定组织的观点表达集体主张的个人.)   
  •    Individuals: 3 minutes       

A person wishing to speak, other than a cluster coordinator or area vice president, may reserve only one space. 除非理事会另有规定,任何组织只能登记一名发言人. Individuals and organizations may not cede time to others who have signed up. 当选的官员在他们选择的时间被列入议程是有礼貌的. 演讲者被要求在听证会前至少24小时以电子方式向威尼斯人在线官网办公室提交证词. If the testimony is not provided in advance, 请发言者在听证会上提供其发言的20份副本, for distribution to the Board, staff, and press. Public hearings are recorded, televised, and transmitted via webcast.    

Additional information about public hearings may be found in the Board of Education Handbook  


Public Comments at Board Meetings

威尼斯人在线官网在定期董事会业务会议期间指定时间征求公众意见.  在此期间,董事会希望听取来自社区的广泛观点.  The process for signing up and providing public testimony is outlined below.  If you have questions regarding this process, please submit them to

 A.    Sign-Up InstructionsRegular Board Business Meeting Public Comment

个人可报名在下次威尼斯人在线官网业务会议上提供公众意见 HERE. 注册期通常在商务会议开始前一周的下午6点向公众开放.m., unless notified otherwise.  

会议将向公众开放,并允许公众亲自发表意见. 董事会还将继续接受希望保持虚拟的个人提交的预先录制的音频和视频. All testimonies will be made available to the public on BoardDocs. 希望提供公众意见的个人将使用在线注册表格进行注册,并将以先到先得的方式进行选择, first-served basis.   

In addition to the online sign-ups, the Board will return to the practice of in person, same day sign-ups when space allows. 未分配的名额可在会议当天以先到先得的方式填满.

In order to sign-up in person, 请于公开会议开始前最少15-20分钟到场并签署表格. 亲自报名将在公众评论开始前15分钟或所有名额已满时关闭. 

 Safety Procedures for In-Person Observation and Public Comments     
  • Please avoid in-person attendance if you have symptoms of illness.

  • Congregating in the hallways and doorways will be prohibited.

  • Signs larger than an 8.5” x 11” will be prohibited.

B.     Sign-Up Confirmations  

Up to 20 speakers, will be accepted to provide public comments.  These speakers will be accepted as follows:

     1) Agenda -报名就某一议程项目发言的前十(10)名个人发言人将被接受作证. 

     2) Non-Agenda -前五(5)名报名就非议程项目发言的个人发言人, will be accepted to provide comments.

     3) Associations/Organizations -为协会和组织保留五(5)个发言时间,可用于就议程项目发言. Upon registration, three of these slots will be reserved for the following associations: Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals/Montgomery County Business and Operations Administrators (MCAAP/MCBOA); 2) Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA); and 3) Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 500. Please note: If associations do not register, 其他报名作证的个人或组织也可获得作证的机会. 另外两个预留名额是给任何社区或学校组织或协会的,先到先满, first-serve basis.

     4) Exceptions -理事会保留就某一特定议程议题限制发言人数和/或类似观点的权利.  当委员会收到的要求多于所分配的作证名额时, 在过去30个日历日内在董事会定期业务会议上作证的个人可能会被拒绝注册, so that others may have an opportunity to testify.  

如果预留给协会/组织的名额没有填满, 这些发言机会将提供给那些报名就议程主题发言的人,先到先到, first-served basis.   

   C.    Public Comment Format & Content

Each individual speaker, association and organization will receive two (2) minutes to provide testimony. 

Once the slots for public comment are filled, 演讲者将收到一封确认电子邮件,其中包含如何准备视频/音频评论以提交的说明. 请遵守提交截止日期和说明,这些将包含在确认电子邮件中. 会议的所有书面、视频和音频意见应提交至    

这不是解决特定学生或员工问题的适当途径, especially those matters on appeal to the Board. 对个别工作人员的行为或陈述的评论不适合公开评论,应提交学校总监或通过可用渠道处理. 

那些无法注册或未被选中在会议期间提供评论的人, may email comments to 发送到此地址的电子邮件将自动分发给所有董事会成员和领导人员.   

Additional information about public comments may be found in the Board of Education Handbook.  

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